Thursday, January 20, 2011

Paintings and Murals

African Masks

File:Mask African BM 1195.jpg

Greek Pots

This terracotta pot is from 570 B.C. Signed by Nearchos

Exekias pot.

Terracotta pot from a Diosphos potter.

350 to 320 B.C. terracotta pot

750 to 600 B.C. terracotta pot by Cypriot

File:Plastic oinoche Louvre Cp3700.jpg

File:Rhyton negro-crocodile Staatliche Antikensammlungen 6203.jpg

Afro-Greek Statues

This figure is from 3rd to 2nd century B.C. The figure is Greek but known as Ethiopian.

3rd to 2nd Century B.C. vase of a young boy sleeping by Cypriot. Known as an Ethiopian.